Hearing aids are often a game-changer for people who experience hearing loss. They can help you focus on the sounds that matter most to you while tuning out unwanted background noise. This blog post explores everything you need to know about hearing aid fitting and what to expect during your appointment with your audiologist.

Do I Need to Take Anything with Me to My Hearing Aid Fitting?

Before you head out to your hearing aid fitting, be sure to take note of any health conditions or medications you take for these. Your audiologist will need to know if you are experiencing tinnitus or other symptoms that can be exacerbated by hearing aids.

These symptoms can include vertigo, nausea, dizziness, headaches and fatigue. Let your audiologist know if you have other ear piercings, wear earplugs or experience earwax build-up. This can affect the placement of the hearing aids, so they may need to schedule an extra appointment to clean your ears properly before the fitting.

Hearing Aid Fitting: What’s Included?

Typically, hearing aid fittings last about two hours and include a full hearing test. This will determine the type and strength of hearing aids you’ll need and their placement on either ear. Your audiologist will conduct a thorough exam, take measurements of your ear canals and ask you about your hearing needs. Depending on the hearing aids you choose, your audiologist may also give you tips on caring for your devices and changing the batteries.

Once You’ve Chosen Your Device and Fit

Once you’ve chosen the right device for you, it’s time to make any necessary adjustments to the fit. This will ensure your device fits comfortably and is easily accessible, using it whenever needed. For example, if you’re wearing an ear-worn device, the audiologist will adjust the length of the tubing to make sure it’s the perfect length for you.

If you’re wearing a behind-the-ear or in-the-ear hearing aid, an audiologist will adjust the length of the portion that sits behind your ear. You may also be allowed to personalize your hearing aid. This will allow you to change settings and adjust to the devices yourself. This is a great way to stay in control of your devices and make sure they’re working correctly.

Before Leaving Your Hearing Aid Fitting

Before leaving your hearing aid fitting, ask any questions you may have about your new devices or the fitting process. You may want to write down any concerns or questions, so you don’t forget anything during your appointment.

If you have hearing loss in both ears, schedule follow-up appointments with your audiologist to check your devices, change batteries and make necessary adjustments. Your audiologist may also recommend you go for regular hearing checkups, especially if you have mild-to-moderate hearing loss.

Hearing aids can make a big difference in the quality of your life, but they won’t work if you don’t wear them. When wearing your hearing aids consistently, you’ll enjoy immense benefits. You’ll have improved awareness of your surroundings and be more in-tune with what’s happening around you, including conversations, sounds and alarms. Better hearing allows you to fully engage in activities you enjoy, such as watching TV, listening to music and social gatherings.

If you have hearing loss, don’t let it hold you back. Modern hearing aids are sophisticated devices that can help you regain a sense of normalcy by amplifying the sounds you want to hear – and filtering out the ones you don’t.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid fitting