Because tinnitus and hearing loss are sometimes related, treating the issue by using a state-of-the-art hearing aid can be helpful. Eighty percent or more of those with tinnitus also have some degree of hearing loss. If you have tinnitus and are simultaneously experiencing hearing loss, even mild hearing loss, a hearing aid may assist. Despite the fact that hearing aids are not intended to treat the underlying problem, they can be helpful in some situations.

Tinnitus patients who utilize hearing aids report a considerable improvement in their condition. Hearing aids have been regularly utilized for almost seven decades now, despite the fact that the precise mechanism by which they cure tinnitus is unknown.

Can You Treat Tinnitus with Hearing Aids?

Tinnitus-masking hearing aids can help by disguising the ringing in the ears. Tinnitus hearing aids work by boosting background noises and drawing less attention to the persistent ringing that is the tinnitus sufferer’s primary sensation. Tinnitus hearing aids feature specialized software that may play a variety of noises to distract the wearer from the persistent ringing in their ears.

How Hearing Aids Help With Tinnitus

There are several different ways hearing aids can be used to address tinnitus, including:

Masking Tinnitus Sounds

Hearing aids can help mask the sound of tinnitus by subtly enhancing natural background noises. This might be anything from the chirp of a bird to the clack of a clock to the hum of a ceiling fan.

Help Improve Your Mood

People who use hearing aids report a rise in positivity and a decrease in negative emotions like depression and anxiety. There is some evidence that if you can lift your mood, you can lessen the impact of your tinnitus. The positive effects of decreasing tinnitus volume on frustration and emotional well-being reinforce themselves.

Improved Communication

Tinnitus can be so distracting that it makes it hard for someone to carry on a conversation. The most effective hearing aids for tinnitus raise the volume of ambient sounds so that they are audible over the tinnitus. Reducing the tension and worry that come along with needing to listen closely throughout the day may be possible through better communication with one’s environment.

Get Your Hearing Checked

Because many people who have tinnitus also have some degree of hearing loss, getting your hearing evaluated by a hearing professional is a smart idea if you have tinnitus.

If you are living with tinnitus, it is essential to have a conversation with your audiologist. While hearing aids are a common treatment for tinnitus, there are other solutions available that may be used separately or in tandem with them. If you want to learn more about your treatment options for tinnitus, get in touch with an audiologist and schedule an appointment today!