Hearing aids now come in a range of different styles that have been designed to suit an individual. With so many styles available, it’s important that you are doing your research and talking with your hearing health professional about which style will be best for you and your needs. You should be considering your lifestyle, your level of hearing loss and a number of other factors when making this choice.

Down below, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the top styles of hearing aids that are available right now, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.

In the Ear (ITE)

In-the-ear hearing aids are one of the most popular styles of all, and there is a good reason for this. First, this style of hearing aid is custom fit for the wearer, ensuring that they are comfortable and convenient. These hearing aids will sit in the outer bowl of your ear and are meant for mild-to-moderately-severe hearing loss. It’s also true to say that this style of hearing aid is simple to use and has a convenient design so that it’s not difficult to manage. These hearing aids are discreet so if you wanted a hearing aid that isn’t noticeable ITE may be the best choice for you.

Behind the Ear (BTE)

Behind-the-ear hearing aids are another popular choice. They sit behind the ear and are extremely comfortable as long as you get the right fit. Your hearing health professional can help to ensure that this happens so that you get the right fit for your hearing aids. As well as this, the battery life on this style of hearing aid is fantastic, lasting a long time without you having to worry about changing the battery.

They are also super easy to clean, provide a fantastic quality of sound and they contain multiple features that others can’t have due to the size. For example, BTE hearing aids contain directional microphones and multi settings, something that is only possible because they are bigger than the other options.

In the Canal (ITC)

In-the-canal hearing aids are the third and final option that we are going to be looking at. This type of hearing aid sits in the canal of the ear, giving you a fantastic quality of sound. They are more discreet than some of the other types of hearing aid and are designed to fit perfectly within your ear canal.

Even though the ITC hearing aids are small, they can be extremely powerful for mild-to-moderate hearing loss and come with a range of convenient features to meet all of your needs.

There are many options of hearing aids that could be the right choice for you. Talk with your hearing health professional about which would be the better option for you regarding the severity of your loss. Once you have chosen, get your pair as soon as possible!

Tags: hearing aid styles