Hearing aids enable those with hearing loss to better communicate with the world around them. They're medical technology in miniature, and they are a marvel for those who need them in a way that's also life-changing. With the ability to communicate better, there is an easier time for those who feel that they cannot join in with conversations or spend time socially. The problem is that these little medical marvels are also very delicate, easily breakable when not handled correctly and require you to take them off properly.

With this in mind, we've put together some of the best things that you need to learn the Do's and Don'ts of hearing aid care. You can speak to your expert audiologist about your hearing aids, and they will talk you through how to look after the hearing aids before you go home. However, you're human, and accidents happen. So, here are the do's and don'ts that you need!

Hearing aid dos:

  • Wear them for at least 10-12 hours a day. When you do this, you can ensure that you are getting the very best of your hearing aids throughout the day before giving them a rest for the night.
  • Open the battery door of the hearing aids overnight. This will ensure that any air trapped in the hearing aids is let out, preventing there from being condensation and moisture build-up. When there is moisture and air build up in a small space like a hearing aid, the battery and the wiring can trip out and stop working. The air being let out will keep your hearing aids working well.
  • Clean the hearing aids every single morning. You can do this by using the soft cloth you were given with your hearing aids to wipe off the receiver and the microphone to ensure that they are both free of any debris. Keeping your hearing aids clean is a must if you don't want there to be built up dirt and muck!
  • Keep spare batteries with you at all times; they should last for some time, but they can stop working at any time. The best thing to do is to keep batteries in the car, at work, and on your person so you can change them if you need to.
  • Speak to your audiologist if you have any worries at all about your hearing aids, how they are working and whether they are the right type for you!

Hearing aid don'ts:

  • Wear hearing aids in moisture-rich environments. It's easy to forget to remove them before you swim or shower, but if you put a reminder up on the bathroom mirror, you can remember not to wear them. They will break if water gets into them!
  • Allow other people to try on your hearing aids. Your audiologist will be able to tell you that your hearing aids are custom made to fit you and no one else/ You need to avoid sharing them with other people!
  • Put your hearing aids in before you do your hair with a setter like hair spray, gel and dry shampoo. These can cause issues in your hearing aids, and you could end up needing replacements.
  • Store your hearing aids in moist environments like the bathroom. Keeping them in a cool, dry place is the smart way to store your hearing aids as they won't get moistened or break down.
  • Try to repair your own hearing aids! Always take your hearing aids to a professional to get them fixed as they will have the expertise to make sure that they are fixed properly.