Wearing a hearing aid is a way to hear the world around you clearer in a way that is non-intrusive and fits perfectly into your lifestyle.There are different styles of hearing aids for you to choose from that all look and feel differently, but ultimately, they all have the same goal to help you get your hearing back as fully as possible.

If your audiologist recommends, you need to wear a hearing aid. You will be able to discuss your preferred option to help you regain your hearing to a level that allows you to hear what is going on. Depending on the level of hearing loss you are experiencing, you may reduce this by wearing a hearing aid in one of the following fitting styles.

  • In the ear (ITE)
  • Behind the ear (BTE)
  • Invisible in canal (IIC)
  • Completely in canal (CIC)
  • In the canal (ITC)

What if my hearing aid isn't working?

There are many reasons why you may need hearing aid repairs. However, troubleshooting what is wrong with your hearing aid can help you to resolve any problems quickly. However, if your problems persist or involve more than cleaning or a quick battery change, then it is advisable to consult your audiologist to get the correct repairs and to avoid making the problems worse or causing more damage.

Troubleshooting for common hearing aid issues

When your hearing aid meets different environments and with continued use, there is also the risk that it can become damaged or your hearing quality becomes impaired. When you get your hearing aid fitted, your audiologist will usually talk you through any potential causes of interference or hearing loss when wearing your device.

If you are finding your hearing aid battery is causing you irritation or soreness around the ear, it may be that the fitting has altered slightly or you need a bit of time to get used to the device being in position. Generally, using a lubricant or cream can help ease friction on the skin or placing a barrier between your hearing aid and the skin will reduce any redness or sore patches. If this persists, you should consult your audiologist to have the fitting checked.

A few different issues can cause no sound or lower sound than usual. Check your battery, as a low battery can cause changes in hearing quality. Ensure the hearing level hasn't been moved and it is at the level you usually have it set to. Make sure to check it is turned on. This can be easily overlooked.

If you hear feedback in your hearing, it could be that it isn't inserted properly and you need to check with your audiologist to make sure it is fitted correctly.

Ensuring your care for your hearing aid will reduce the likelihood that you experience issues with your device. Regular cleaning and maintenance will extend the lifespan and improve the quality of sound you can hear.