When you see an audiologist, you will go through various tests in order for the audiologist to determine the severity and type of hearing loss you are experiencing. There are several types of hearing tests that could be conducted, including a pure tone audiometry test, tympanometry and speech tests that are commonly done. 

One common concern of patients who are visiting an audiologist for symptoms of hearing loss, is the worry that they might not understand the results of the test. Not to worry, we will take you through a step-by-step guide on how to understand your hearing test results and what to do if you’re confused!

How your hearing test results will be delivered to you

Most hearing tests give immediate results, in a similar way to an eye test or another simple process. Especially the most common tests like the pure tone audiometry test or speech test, your audiologist will deduce, from the indications you give during the test, how severe or mild your hearing loss is and then present you with your options. 

In the case of more in-depth hearing exams, the results will be produced in graph form. Just like any test results, your audiologist will break down exactly what these results indicate about the future of your hearing. 

In any case, you will be given a copy of your results to keep as a medical record, so that you can present them in the future if you return for further examinations.

What type of hearing loss do I have?

There are different types of hearing loss – including mixed hearing loss, conductive hearing loss and sensorineural – and different causes too. After conducting your hearing tests, your audiologist will be able to determine what type of hearing loss you have and this will affect how they treat it going forward.

Is this likely to become more severe over time?

If you are only just beginning to experience hearing loss, it could be that your symptoms are temporary or, on the other hand, they could be long-term. Depending on the cause and the type of hearing loss you have, your audiologist will explain to you whether they believe it will continue at the same rate, become more severe or become milder over time.

What can I do to alleviate the symptoms of hearing loss?

Once your results are fully explained, you will then be able to ask your audiologist how they can treat your hearing loss. This could be through hearing aids, or they may refer you to a doctor for medical treatment if necessary. Understanding your hearing test results is a crucial step in becoming more comfortable and hearing things more easily. This will help you ask the right questions, so you never leave your audiologist’s office feeling confused!