If you are experiencing changes to your hearing, then you might have been recommended hearing aids by a hearing health professional. Hearing aids are incredibly useful and will ensure that you can hear clearly and effectively in a range of different conditions. This includes in busy areas and noisy environments. 

It’s important to understand that hearing aids are a piece of technology. As such, you do need to make sure that you are looking after them the right way. One of the ways that you can do this is ensuring that they don’t get wet. 

Keep Them as Dry as Possible

First, you should do your best to keep the hearing aids as dry as possible. If you take the right steps here, then you will be able to make sure that you avoid water damage completely. Hearing aids are usually water resistant but this isn’t a guarantee. So, you should check with your hearing health provider if this is the case. 

You might also want to avoid using your hearing aids in wet conditions such as in the rain. It’s easy in situations like this for water to drip into the device and damage different parts. If you do need to use your hearing aids in wet conditions, consider wearing a hood. This will ensure that water doesn’t trick down around your ears. 

Dry Your Devices When They Get Wet

Next, you should make sure that you are taking steps to dry your device if they do get wet. The easiest way to dry your hearing aids is with a cloth that absorbs water. You should be able to get a cloth like this from a wide range of different suppliers. You should also think about leaving the battery port open at night. In doing so, you can ensure that excess moisture dries overnight. 

Don’t Leave Your Devices Out of the Case

Finally, if you are not using your devices then you should make sure that they are stored away safely. You should consider getting a case for your hearing aids if you don’t already have one. You can get waterproof cases if you are worried about this being an issue. 

The danger of leaving your hearing aids out in the open is that they can get damaged due to a spill or a similar problem. This can be avoided completely if you have the right case. You also might be able to leave your devices on their docking station if they are rechargeable. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to protect your hearing aids from water damage as much as possible. If you do think that your hearing aids have been affected by water damage, it’s important to make sure that you contact a hearing health professional as soon as you can. They will be able to fix the device for you and ensure that there are no further problems. They can also check if there are any other problems that need to be repaired