When you notice changes in your sight, you go and see your optometrist. When your teeth are hurting, you see a dentist. When your hearing begins to fade, what do you do? You speak to an audiologist, and you book an appointment to get your hearing back on track. The only way that you can ensure that your hearing levels are some semblance of normal is to get your hearing tested regularly. 

When you plan to see your audiologist, you plan to get your hearing checked out by a professional who knows exactly what they’re looking for. They know how to assess your hearing properly, and they know how to check to see what you can hear and at what tone. You will have many questions for your audiologist when you visit, so you need to do all that you can to ask those questions when you arrive. Below, we’ve got a list of the most common FAQs that people ask their audiologist when they visit. 

What’s the cause of my hearing loss?

It can really help to understand the reasons behind the hearing loss that you are experiencing, so it makes sense to ask this question when you have a hearing test for the first time. If you understand the cause, you can prevent further damage, and your audiologist will be able to talk you through the common hearing loss types. They can even talk you through whether ear wax is actually the issue!

How do I improve my remaining hearing?

An audiologist will help you to boost the hearing that you have. After a hearing test, they will recommend any hearing instruments that they think you would benefit from, and they will also suggest a cleaning – which they will perform. Modern hearing aids are tailored to your specific hearing loss, and if you ensure that your hearing aids are exactly the ones that you need, your audiologist will be able to work with you to get them working. They can also work with you on cochlear implants if these would work for your hearing needs.

Will my lifestyle affect my hearing?

Your audiologist will go through all of how your lifestyle affects your hearing, and they’ll even give you tips on improving your hearing. Eating well, working out and avoiding exposure to prolonged loud noise will all help you to enhance your hearing.

How can I protect my hearing in the future? 

Your audiologist is a font of knowledge when it comes to your hearing, and they will be able to talk you through the ways that you can prevent further hearing loss. Your audiologist can also recommend noise-canceling headphones to ensure that you are avoiding being exposed to loud noise in concerts or at work. 

The key advice here is to ask as many questions as you need to ask when you visit your audiologist for a hearing assessment. They are the experts who can tell you what you need to know!